


General objectiv

Understanding the necessity and ways of implementing and using some artificial intelligence techniques (machine learning, artificial neural networks – ANN, deep neural network - DNN, convolutional neural network – CNN, etc.).

Specific objectives

Understanding the fundamental concepts of computational intelligence/deep learning, supervised and unsupervised learning, machine learning.
Acquiring the skills required to use ANN for function fitting, pattern recognition, prediction.
Acquiring the skills required to use CNN for computer vision applications(image classification, object detection, pattern recognition, etc.).
Acquiring the skills required to design and implement systems based on computational intelligence/deep learning techniques.
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Licență (Bachelor)





Disciplina "Sisteme fuzzy" se adreseazã studenților de la studiile de licențã, anul IV, specializarea Electronicã aplicatã.

Dupã parcurgerea disciplinei studenții vor fi capabili: sã identifice situaþii practice în care este potrivitã descrierea datelor și atributelor lor prin mulþimi și relații fuzzy; sã aplice proceduri practice simple (algoritmi) de reprezentare a datelor prin mulțimi fuzzy; sã proiecteze, implementeze software, verifice și depaneze sisteme cu logicã fuzzy, de tip: controler, modelare de funcþii, sistem expert fuzzy, sistem decizional fuzzy; sã modeleze prin algoritmi matematici incertitudinea informațiilor din probleme reale și raționamentul lingvistic al experților umani cu ajutorul mulțimilor fuzzy și regulilor fuzzy.               
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The discipline "Fuzzy Logic Systems" is addressed to the bachelor students, IVth year, studying in English, specializations: Applied Electronics.

After completing the discipline, the students will be able to: identify practical situation where it is appropriate to describe data and their attributes using fuzzy sets and relations; apply simple procedures (algorithms) for data representation using fuzzy sets; design, implement in software, verify and debug fuzzy logic systems intended for controllers, function modeling, expert systems, decision-making systems; model the uncertainty of information from real-world problems and from linguistic reasoning of human experts, using fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules.                 
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Disciplina "Circuite electronice fundamentale" se adreseazã studenilor de la studiile de licențã, anul II, specializãrile Electronicã aplicatã, Tehnologii și sisteme de telecomunicații și Inginerie economicã în domeniul electric, electronic și energetic.

Dupã parcurgerea disciplinei studenþii vor fi capabili: sã analizeze și sã determine parametrii amplificatoarelor fundamentale cu un tranzistor, sã analizeze surse și oglinzi de curent cu tranzistoare; sã recunoascã configuraþia și semnul reacþiei și sã analizeze circuitele cu reacție; sã analizeze, sã determine performanțele și sã (re)proiecteze circuite electronice fundamnetale: stabilizatoare de tensiune, generatoare de semnale sinusoidale și nesinusoidale, amplificatoare de putere, diverse circuite cu AO; sã utilizeze circuite integrate specializate pentru realizarea diferitelor aplicații.               
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The discipline "Fundamental Electronic Circuits" is addressed to the bachelor students, IInd year, studying in English,
specializations: Applied Electronics and Telecommunications Technologies and Systems.

After completing the discipline, the students will be able to: analyze the basic amplifiers with one transistor; analyze current sources and current mirrors with transistors; recognize the topology and determine the type of the feedback; analyze feedback circuits; analyze, determine the performances and (re)design fundamental electronic circuits: voltage regulators, sinusoidal and non–sinusoidal oscillators, power amplifiers, other circuits with op amp; use dedicated integrated circuits for the development of different applications.                           
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The discipline "Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits" is addressed to the bachelor students, Ist year, studying in English, specialization: Automation and Applied Informatics.

After completing the discipline, the students will know the operating principles of diodes, operational amplifiers, field effect and bipolar transistors; know various types of operating regimes: switching regime, permanent conduction regime, amplification regime; understand the operation of electronic circuits: rectifiers, voltage comparators, op-amp amplifiers, voltage regulators, signal generators, power amplifiers; understand the specific methods of analyzing electronic circuits; know how to design and re-design simple electronic circuits..         
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